The title of the blog is heavily inspired by Liu Cixin’s book called The Three-Body Problem. It is a 2006 sci-fi book about a world where there is an alien invasion, but it is profoundly deep and very scientific. It is a brilliant book and talks quite a bit about the idea of gravity three bodies of mass in space exert on each other. Determining their trajectory based on the gravity from each other is nearly impossible. The book plays with this idea and it is the reason for some of the plot in the story. Basically, in the same way the three body problem is central to the novel series by Liu Cixin, I will be making parallels to what I think is important in our world today. That is: The human condition.
What I think the three body problem is to the book series by Liu Cixin, I think the human condition is to me and puts a name to an idea. It is an all-encompassing name to the problems we face today; problems we have faced since civilization; and problems we will continue to face until we can transcend our nature. Ultimately, I believe we must master ourselves: recognize our limitations, accept them, and work around and with them. In order to fix the world, you must first fix yourself. This touches on the idea I first heard by Jordan Peterson where he says in a YouTube video something along the lines that you can’t fix the world if you can’t even fix your bed. I feel that the problem with today, that is a problem we have not solved since the beginning of time, is that we think by creating better and more technology we will stop suffering. That is the fallacy holding us back. We need to fix our mentality; our thinking; our lifestyle. This is the human condition problem. This is what I am trying to solve with this blog.
This is one of my contributions to the world. I won’t be able to solve it in one post, or in one day, or in one year even. It is a constant development of integrating a lifestyle, a belief, a series of idea’s into your life for the rest of your life. We are trying to run a marathon, not a race. That is why I strongly believe in a balanced life. If it is unbalanced, some part of you will “explode”. That hurts you and ultimately everyone around you. I want to develop a “universal” lifestyle that can be adopted anywhere throughout time.
Yes, other people touch on this subject knowingly and unknowingly; however, I want to solely focus on this. I am not an expert on the things I talk about. My value comes in from constantly observing the world to understand. Why it is the things we do. How do they affect us? Why I am the way I am? To answer this question, I think I first did it to stop being scared. To stop worrying. I wanted to start living. I had to understand my feelings, where I come from, and where I am in life relative to the social progression of humanity. I had to make a working model so I can be happy. My situation, environment, and brain structure created an ideal situation for me to become this type of person in this world. It is my blessing. It is my curse. Constantly thinking about yourself is not healthy. However, this touches on another idea by Jordan Peterson where he says, “The only way out is through”. When you’re a person who overthinks, he says you must “drink the poison that is killing you until” you own it or something along the lines of that. I did not have a choice of the life I want to live. However, I made the choice to take advantage of this situation and find an opportunity to put me ahead in life. This is why I am writing this blog with paralyzing fear of being criticized, losing job opportunities, or sounding crazy.
However, this I truly believe is what we need. I’m not saying everyone needs to create a blog and start talking about these idea’s. No. Maybe only a handful of people need to do this in order to globally influence the lifestyle transcending the limitation of human nature adequately. There are 9 billion lives to feed and societies to run. We need farmers, engineers, architects, scientists, governments. We don’t need to rearrange, add, or subtract the people around the world. What I’m saying, and the purpose of this blog is that we need to change ourselves. From within. Our idea’s. By looking at life through a structured lens, such as how science changed with the “Scientific method”, we can maximize our potential.
This is broad and abstract and has no meaning. However, one day, I hope after countless posts, if you look back and re-read this it will make sense and have value. That is the purpose of this blog. It is a journey to unfold our nature; our timeless reoccurring behavior with the purpose of understanding. This can bring us a sense of certainty. Certainty that maybe we can’t solve this problem in our life time. But, we can set up the future generations to solve the problem on their own. It’s better to arrive at the finish line like a turtle slowly, rather than being a rabbit too cocky and confident they leave the race until later. You know what happens in that parable. Let us not be the rabbit with the wasted opportunity at the individual level, which can take care of the whole societal level if done correctly. Let us be the turtle and take the first step.